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Shows: For The People with Keith Alan

For The People is a nationally syndicated conservative talk show that has been on the air for over 20 years. Originally hosted by Mr. Chuck Harder, who was second only to Rush Limbaugh in popularity in the 90's, the show has been given a second life by Mr. Harder's hand picked predecessor Mr. Keith Alan. Mr. Alan was the voice of ABC News for 10 years, and now he's the voice of common sense for the American people.

For The People is a fast paced weekly 1 hour show that delivers today's news in an easy to digest format without the media bias. Whether you have a G.E.D. or a Phd, if you love America, you will love For The People.


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For The People with Keith Alan  10:00am Pacific Sun 60 min WKAL Talk Radio 1450 1450 AM Rome, NY
Recording scheduled.
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